[ic] Tutorial problem

Tom Carroll interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Fri Jan 4 22:44:01 2002

I have been following the tutorial and I've gotten to step 11.3 where I
added my needfield.html.

If I pull up the checkout page and just type in my first name the
needfield.html file does not display the field names that are missing data.
Is this correct?  The way I understood the tutorial is that it was supposed
to display what fields are missing data.

Here's my checkout.html page:

[include top]
[include left]
<h1>Checkout Page</h1>

<form method=post action="[process]">
<input type=hidden name=mv_todo value=submit>
<input type=hidden name=mv_order_profile value=order_profile>
<input type=hidden name=mv_cyber_node value=minivend_test>

<table cellpadding=3>

<td align=right><b>First name:</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=fname value="[value fname]"></td>

<td align=right><b>Last name:</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=lname value="[value lname]"></td>

<td align=right rowspan=2><b>Address:</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=address1 value="[value address1]"></td>

<td><input type=text name=address2 value="[value address2]"></td>

<td align=right><b>City:</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=city value="[value city]"></td>

<td align=right><b>State:</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=state value="[value state]"></td>

<td align=right><b>Postal code:</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=zip value="[value zip]"></td>

<td align=right><b>Country:</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=country value="[value country]"></td>


Note: We assume that your billing address is the same as your shipping

<table cellpadding=3>

<td align=right><b>Credit card number:</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=mv_credit_card_number value="" size=20></td>

<td align=right><b>Credit card expiration date:</b></td>
Month (number from 1-12):
<input type=text name=mv_credit_card_exp_month value="" size=2 maxlength=2>
Year (last two digits only):
<input type=text name=mv_credit_card_exp_year value="" size=2


<input type=submit name=submit value="Finalize!">
<input type=reset name=reset value="Reset"


<p>[page index]Return to shopping instead</a></p>
[include bottom]

Here's the needfield.html file:

[include top]
[include left]
<p>The following information was not given:</p>

<p><b>[error all=1 show_var=1 show_error=1 joiner='<br>']</b></p>

<p>Please go back to the [page checkout]Checkout page</a>
and fill out the form properly.</p>

[include bottom]


Tom Carroll
Dataware Computers