[ic] Nifty enhancement to [query ...]

Jon Jensen interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Tue Jan 15 17:43:00 2002

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Peter Jakl wrote:

>     open(KWCH, "$cmd |");


> [perl]
> $n = 0;
> $Scratch->{command} = "grep -fsku:description:price ";
> for $kw (split(/\s+/, $CGI->{keywords}) {
> 	$n++;
> 	$Scratch->{command} .= "| grep " if $n > 1;
> 	$Scratch->{command} .= " \"$kw\" ";
> 	$Scratch->{command} .= "products/kwdata.txt " if $n == 1;
> }
> $Scratch->{command} .= "| cut -f1,3,4";
> return "";
> [/perl]
> [query st=db list=1 more=1 ml=20 sql="[scratch command]"]

Watch out when you take raw CGI input and pass that to the shell! The
safest thing to do would be:

$CGI->{keywords} =~ s/[^\s\w.-#%]//g;

Get rid of all characters except letters, numbers, spaces (which you split
on), and a few safe symbols. (Get rid of those too if you don't need to
search on them.)

Otherwise someone will eventually figure out how to execute arbitrary
commands on your system.
