[ic] form process before query??

Dan Browning interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Fri Jul 5 14:43:01 2002

At 09:43 AM 7/5/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>I am trying to complete a sql query with a cgi form variable, then process
>the form. Here is what I have:
><FORM ACTION="[process-target]" METHOD="POST" name=invite>
><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_session_id VALUE="[data session id]">
><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_todo VALUE="return">
>    [query
>         ml=30
>         type=list
>         sp="@@MV_PAGE@@"
>         sql=|
>             SELECT  boxname
>             FROM    mb_boxlist
>             WHERE   username = '[data session username]'
>             AND     boxname != 'main'
>             ORDER BY boxname
>         |]
>               <SELECT NAME=c_box>
>               [list]
>               <OPTION VALUE="[sql-param boxname]">[sql-param boxname]
>               [/list]
>               </SELECT>
>           [/query]
><input type="text" name="c_name" value="">
><input type="text" name="c_email" value="">
><TEXTAREA WRAP="virtual" ROWS="4" COLS="35" name="c_comm"
>         form=invite
>         text="Send"
>           src="__BUTTON_DIR__/change.gif"
>           hidetext=1
>         align="right"
>         ]
>[if cgi c_email]
>    [query
>      ml=1
>      sp="@@MV_PAGE@@"
>      type=list
>      sql=|
>             SELECT  password
>             FROM    mb_boxlist
>             WHERE   username = '[data session username]'
>             AND     boxname = '[cgi c_box]'
>           |]
>      [list]
>       <input type=hidden name="c_pass" value="[sql-param password]">
>      [/list]
>    [/query]
>  mv_nextpage=c_invite
>     </form>
>I thought maybe lowering the mv_nextpage would do it, but it does not. Or
>wrapping it in an [on-match] pair. I have tested all queries, and they do
>work as written. I am thinking it is some positional thing that I do not
>understand. mv_todo=return seems like it is the things to do, but what am I
>I need the query to make the hidden input, and include it in the form
>submission. The -- type=hidden name="c_pass" -- is the only thing I can't
>pass :(

In order to run SQL using CGI variables, you have three options:

  * mv_click
  * mv_check
  * on the next page

Of course, the first two do not display output.  So try putting your SQL 
code on the page this goes to (apparently 'invite') and see what 
happens.  (Or you can put it in a mv_check, store the output, and then 
display it).

| Dan Browning, Kavod Technologies <db@kavod.com>
... and furthermore ... I don't like your trousers.