[ic] checkout profile not working properly

Jordan interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sat Jul 6 03:00:01 2002

My profiles are not working correctly.  Can someone help?
If I don't add the code
<input type=hidden name=mv_order_profile value=checkout_profile>
then I get no error checking.  The orders go through and get processed, but
I may not have all the info.

If I DO add the checkout_profile line, then nobody can place any orders.
They are simply returned to the checkout page over and over again in an
endless loop.

In the profiles.order file, I have:

__NAME__                            checkout_profile

&fatal = yes

&final = yes



I have also tried:

__NAME__                            checkout_profile


&set=mv_email [value email]
&set=mv_nextpage receipt


I tried adding just the successpage line.  That didn't work.  I tried
nextpage, then I tried both. Nothing.

In my checkout.html page, I have:

 <FORM ACTION="[process secure=0]" METHOD="POST" name=checkout>
<input type=hidden name=mv_order_profile value=checkout_profile>
    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_session_id VALUE="[data session id]">

    [if type=explicit compare="[error all=1 show_var=1 keep=1]"]

	<B>There were errors in your last submission:<br>
	<FONT color="__CONTRAST__">
		[error all=1 keep=1 show_error=1 show_label=1 joiner="<br>"]
    The areas you need to correct are shown in
    <FONT color="__CONTRAST__">this color</FONT> below.</B>

    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_doit VALUE=refresh>
    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_nextpage VALUE="ord/checkout">

    [comment] Order routes in catalog.cfg [/comment]

    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_order_route
VALUE="[either]__ORDER_ROUTES__[or]log main copy_user[/either]">
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=mv_check    VALUE="Save_database">

    [if session logged_in]
      [set Save_database]
      [if cgi mv_todo ne submit]
	  [calc] Log("Saving userdb in mv_check.")[/calc]
	  [userdb save]


I've tried adding:
<input type=hidden name=mv_successpage value="[area receipt]">
When I do this I get
Sorry, the page (http://usersite.org/~catalog/cgi-bin/cart.cgi/receipt.html)
was not found
I've tried [area etc/receipt] and copying my receipt file to the ord
directory and trying [area ord/receipt].
I still get "page not found" - and the order does NOT go through.  It is not

Can someone PLEASE help me find whatever simple thing I'm missing!  Thank
you so much in advance.  I don't even know if you need more code than that,
but let me know and I'll include whatever.

BTW-I use PayPal, I don't need address info, and I don't keep anything
sensitive.  Thus the non-secure processing.