[ic] Listing all products

Stephanie Smith interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Fri Jul 19 16:17:00 2002


I've been working my way through the Catalog Building Tutorial, which for
the most part is quite straight forward and I haven't had any problems.
However, the products table that I've been working with has just grown to
over 50 items, and I can't seem to get interchange to display all of the
items. It truncates after item 50.

The code that I'm using comes straight out of the tutorial:

	[include top]
	[include left]
	<table cellpadding=5>
	[loop search="ra=yes/fi=products"]
  	<td><a href="[loop-code].html">[loop-field title] - [loop-field
  	<td align=right>[currency][loop-field price][/currency]</td>
  	<td>[order [loop-code]]Order Now[/order]</td>
	<p align=center>[page order]View shopping cart</a></p>
	[include bottom]

As you can see, I have loop search set to return all from the products
table. There doesn't appear to be any problem with the products table after
the 50th entry (flypages for items 51+ are generated just fine).

The only thing I can think of is perhaps I'm somewhere configured for
multi-page returns, with only 50 items per page, and I'm just missing links
to the subsequent pages of my return. I haven't been able to find anything
in the documentation yet which explains whether or not interchange can be
directly configured to do multipage indexes, and if so, where that would
be handled.

If anyone has any suggestions for where I might look, or other
possibilities for what could be going on here, it would be much

Thanks in advance,
