[ic] Am I the only one who's ever done this?

Ed LaFrance interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Jun 19 21:51:01 2002

At 05:02 PM 6/18/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I need help with this:
>I want to try to make the collection of drop down lists that is on the left
>perform one search with all of those variables. I have tried to do this so 
>different ways and get little to no results so I have returned it to its
>simpilest form.. I couldn't find any examples or threads in the mailing list
>showing any indication that this had been done before but someone had to have
>done something close to this as some point. So if you know where I can find a
>good example or you have any ideas on how to make it work please let me know.
>The code for the search that I have now is included below.
>Ian Jennings

To make that form work, like your scan above, you need a set of inputs 
which corresponds to the scan terms. This is fairly well documented in the 
Interchange Database docs, plus there are numerous search examples abound 
in the demo. You do not even have a single mv_searchspec in your form, so 
you have a bit of work to do.

- Ed L.

>(              <form action="[area search]" method=post>
>                 <div align="center">
>                   <input type=hidden name=mv_session_id2 value="[data 
> session
>                   [set asearch]su=yes/fi=products[/set]
>                   <input type=hidden name=mv_profile value=asearch>
>                   <br>
>                   Style: <br>

>                   <select name="select" size="1">
>                     <option value="any">Any</option>
>                     <option value="quartz">Quartz</option>
>                     <option value="keywound">Keywound</option>
>                     <option value="round">Round</option>
>                     <option value="largeround">Large Round</option>
>                   </select>
>                   <br>
>                   <br>
>                   Finish:<br>
>                   <select name="select2" size="1">
>                     <option value="">Any</option>
>                     <option value="oak">Oak</option>
>                     <option value="cherry">Cherry</option>
>                     <option value="other">Other</option>
>                   </select>
>                   <br>
>                   <br>
>                   Price: <br>
>                   <select name="select3" size="1">
>                     <option value="">Any</option>
>                     <option value="0-50">0-50</option>
>                     <option value="50-100">50-100</option>
>                     <option value="100-200">100-200</option>
>                     <option value="200-350">200-350</option>
>                     <option value="350 +">350 and up</option>
>                   </select>
>                   <br>
>                   <br>
>                   <input type="image" alt="Search"
>src="__THEME_IMG_DIR__go.gif" border=0 name="image">
>                 </div>
>               </form>

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