[ic] Preventing duplicate real-time changes using PayFlo Pro

Bill Carr interchange-users@interchange.redhat.com
Thu May 23 12:09:45 2002

On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 10:19, Kevin Walsh wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Does anyone have experience preventing duplicate real-time changes using
> > > > PayFlo Pro? Verisgn can enable duplicate charge prevention. Then you can
> > > > pass a DSGUID parameter which should be set to something unique for the
> > > > current transaction. It would seem reasonable to set DSGUIG to "<part
> > > > card number>[subtotal noformat=1]<hour of day><date>".
> > > >
> > > Wouldn't the order number be unique enough for this purpose?
> > > Can't Verisign be told to use the existing ORIGID parameter?
> > >
> > Yes. I did not know what ORIGID was.
> > 
> Neither do I, but I expect that it's some form of originator's
> reference number for the order.
It is basically  POSIX::strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S$$", gmttime(time)). I
think <card number>.<order amount>.<year>.<month>.<day> Would be good.
> > transactions.
> > 
> > I think it would be a good idea to do something like
> > 	Signio.pm: 
> > 	if ($decline) {
> > 		...
> > 	} else {
> > 		mail to __ORDERS_TO__ "Possible dupliacte charge. check out
> > $result{pop.order-id}" if $result{DUPLICATE}
> > 		$result{ICSTATUS} = 'success';
> >     	}
> >
> When a duplicate charge is detected and flagged, does it still
> go through?  I mean, would the administrator have to act on the
> "possible duplicate" email?  If not, then I would just log the
> message and forget it.
> As I understand it, when you get duplicate Signio charges, you
> still only get one Interchange order.  To me, the fault with
> this probably lies in the client software supplied by Verisign.
> If we can work around it by passing another reference number to
> the Verisign server then that's fine.
It turns out that the duplicate charge never resulted in an interchange
order. Just a guess but maybe interchange never got a response from
versign and the user hit place order again. In any case I think this was
a rare occurrence and I am not going to worry about it much.

I think I will modify Signio.pm to take the DSGUID and make an email if
result{DUPLICATE} is set. I couldn't hurt to send a message to ORDERS_TO
if we did a transaction for the same card, date and amount. The message
would say maybe theres a duplicate charge, check it out.

Bill Carr
Worldwide Impact