[ic] In page search

Curt Hauge interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Thu Nov 14 12:14:00 2002

Walter de Kok wrote:

> I have an arbitrary database called 'compat' which has four field: sku,
> name, sku2, name2.
> What I would like to do is the following:
> On 1 page I would like to have a search field in which one can fill in a
> string. This string has to be looked up in the column 'name' en has to
> return the fields sku2, name2, on the same page as the search field.
> Is this possible????


> Thanks for any tips or hints....

I would try something like:


<FORM ACTION="[area name_of_this_page]" METHOD=POST>
<input type=hidden name=mv_session_id value="[data session id]">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" SIZE="30" NAME="mv_search_file" VALUE=compat>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" SIZE="30" NAME="mv_matchlimit" VALUE="9999">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" SIZE="30" NAME="mv_sort_field" VALUE="sku2">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" SIZE="30" NAME="mv_search_field" VALUE="name">

<INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="30" NAME="mv_searchspec">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search">


[item-data compat sku2] - [item-data compat name2]<br>


<font __FFACE__ size="2">
Sorry, no matches for <B>[calc]
			my $joiner = ' AND ';
			$joiner = ' OR ' if
					defined $Search->{''}->{mv_orsearch}[0]
					and $Search->{''}->{mv_orsearch}[0];
			my @str = grep /\D/, @{$Values->{mv_searchspec}};
			return join $joiner, @str;
[if value mv_search_error]
<BR> [value-extended name=mv_search_error joiner="<BR>"]
<font __FFACE__ size="2">
<font __FFACE__ size="2">
Matches [matches] of [match-count] found.


Not tested, and it may not have desirable results if you call the page
without a search string.

Good luck!

Curt Hauge

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