[ic] Help on Storing Shipping Info

Vijeeth interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Mon Nov 25 00:26:01 2002

Hi all,

How to store different ship addresses in userdb? I am using following

code  to store the values in userdb but nick name is missing in the

after saving the data nick name is not populating in below select box
and rest of the

values are stored properly..

When I use default ship_addresses.html  its working fine. So in my
customized shipping

address page I am not using [table-editor] tag  but its there in default

page . The code which is below is copied from the ship_addresses.html
generated html

source and I customized in the following way

Please the check following code and  tell me where I am going wrong.

Thanks in Advance

ACTION="http://www.domain.com/cgi-bin/shop/ship_address.html" >
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_todo VALUE="set">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_click VALUE="process_filter">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_nextpage VALUE="ship_address">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_data_table VALUE="userdb">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_data_key VALUE="username">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=ui_hide_key VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_blob_field VALUE="address_book">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_blob_label VALUE="city">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_blob_title VALUE="Shipping addresses">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_update_empty VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_data_function VALUE="update">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_action" VALUE="back">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="mv_form_profile" VALUE="ui_profile">
         Nick Name  :   <input type="text" name="mv_blob_nick" size="30"

                                    <select name="mv_blob_nick" size="1"

                                        <OPTION VALUE="" selected><<
                <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="ui_filter:mv_blob_nick"
                <input type="Checkbox" name="mv_blob_only"
value="AlertsRecalls">&nbsp;&nbsp;Save here only
          Company   :  <INPUT NAME="company" SIZE="50" VALUE="[value
company]" class="formbox12">
          First Name:  <INPUT NAME="fname" SIZE="50" VALUE="[value
fname]" class="formbox12">
          Last Name :  <INPUT NAME="lname" SIZE="50" VALUE="[value
lname]" class="formbox12">
          State     :  <INPUT NAME="state" SIZE="10" VALUE="[value
state]" class="formbox12">
          Zip       :  <INPUT NAME="zip" SIZE="30" VALUE="[value zip]"
       <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="ui_filter:zip" VALUE="uc word">
          Country   : <INPUT NAME="country" SIZE="50" VALUE="[value
country]" class="formbox12">
          Day Phone : <INPUT NAME="phone_day" SIZE="30" VALUE="[value
phone_day]" class="formbox12">
          NightPhone: <INPUT NAME="phone_night" SIZE="30" VALUE="[value
phone_night]" class="formbox12">
           <input type="Submit" name="mv_click" value="Ok"