[ic] form validation revisited

DB interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Mon Nov 25 10:49:00 2002

>> But here's a demo form that does indeed validate. Be sure to clearly
>> mark the required fields. I hope someone posts a better way!
> Thanks for your help!  The problem for me was that I needed to add:
>     <input type=hidden name="mv_doit" value="return">
> to the HTML.  I am not sure why, I thought that the button tag generated a
> mv_click by default, and I was setting mv_doit=return in the mv_click block.
> Now I wonder if my mv_click code was ever getting called, I'll bet I am
> using the button tag wrong somehow.
> But now to help you:
> [error name=email std_label="*Email:" required=1]:
> <INPUT MAXLENGTH=30 NAME=email type=text size=15 value="[value email]"><br>
> Replace your email input code with the code shown above and you will get an
> error message in red when the validation fails.  You can also put the
> following at the top of your page and it will display the error message
> also.
>     [error all=1 keep=1 show_error=1 show_label=1 joiner="<br>"]
> That will allow you to have an error message at the top of the page and then
> also red error text next to the field in question.
> Jeff

Cool.. thanks! Between the two of us we got it to work. That's how 
mailing lists are supposed to work. I'll post a short HOWTO just so it 
is there next time I need it. Maybe it will help someone else too.

The only other thing I'd like to add is a check on the email address to 
make sure it in a valid format. I'm always shocked at how many people 
enter stuff like "luser@AOL" in an email field. Maybe someone can post 
code to do that ?