[ic] Shipping methods / Weight / Limit ...

David Bordas interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Thu Nov 28 11:10:01 2002

Hi list,

I'm looking at shipping charges 'cause i need to modify an IC 4.8.x site to
add some more rules.
I need in fact something like this :
A,B ... are Geographic Zones
W is weight.

W                A         B        C
<100            6         12        17
<1000         15        /            /
<10000       35        /            /

In fact i need to specify that a shipping rule is limited by a max weight
and over the max weight, this rule can't be used.
But i don't know how to do that :(

I have created some indepedant shipping charge and with some perl code in
checkout.htm i can choose to display this one or other one ( shipping rule )
but it's not very clean and generate some problems ...
Sometime when i changed country, a submit is done on checkout.htm but the
calculation of shipping isn't good, so i need to clic on the [Recalc]

### snip ###
SELECT onChange="this.form.submit()" NAME=mv_shipmode>

                    [loop option=mv_shipmode
                           list=|[data table=country key='[default country
FR]' col=shipmodes]|
                  [perl failure="Perl code error <BR>"]
      if($bool == 0)
       if(([loop-code] !~ /Transporteur/)&&([loop-code] !~ /Expedition/))
So i can control the select creation but it's great :(

Does someone have an idea about that ?
Perhaps i can modify some IC code, like for exemple modify fedex ou UPS ?
I don't use that, so perhaps i can modify their code but i don't exactly
where is it ...

Thanks in advance.
