[ic] Sorry but still problems with rounding

Saso interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Thu Oct 17 20:49:00 2002

> Could you send your locale-settings from you catalog.cfg? That would help
> some in tracking down your problem.
> Did you also check your catalogs error.log?
> Rene

Ok first the error.log: utEPDNHC: - [17/October/2002:06:42:54 -0400] zobek
/~zobek/cgi-bin/cart.cgi/process.html Successful login by user 'zobek' utEPDNHC: - [17/October/2002:06:42:54 -0400] zobek
/~zobek/cgi-bin/cart.cgi/process.html Successful login by user 'zobek' utEPDNHC: - [17/October/2002:06:43:20 -0400] zobek
/~zobek/cgi-bin/cart.cgi/process.html Attempted database operation without
table, fields, or key.
> Table: ''
> Fields:''
> Key:   ''
> utEPDNHC: - [17/October/2002:06:46:42 -0400] zobek
/~zobek/cgi-bin/cart.cgi/process.html Saving userdb in mv_check. utEPDNHC: - [17/October/2002:06:46:51 -0400] zobek
/~zobek/cgi-bin/cart.cgi/process.html Saving userdb in mv_check. utEPDNHC: - [17/October/2002:06:47:28 -0400] zobek

Think nothing serious on this issue here...

Now the locale settings in catalog.cfg:


# Last locale specified is the default.
# Locale          en_US LC_CTYPE C
LocaleDatabase  locale
Locale sl_SI


This is locale.txt now:

Code en_US sl_SI de_DE fr_FR eur_EUR
January Januar Januar Janvier
February Februar Februar Février
March Marec März Mars
April April April Avril
May Maj Mai Mai
June Junij Juni Juin
July Julij Juli Juillet
August Avgust August Aout
September September September Septembre
October Oktober October Octobre
November November November Novembre
December December Dezember Décembre
PriceDivide 0.6856 1 0.31652 0.09438 229
Currency_symbol $ SIT DM FF €
Decimal_point . . . . .
Default 0 1 1 0 0
Frac_digits 2 2 2 2 2
Mon_decimal_point . . , , .
Mon_thousands_sep , , , . .
p_cs_precedes 1 0   1
p_sep_by_space   1
Price_picture   DM ### ### ###,##
 Products Produkti de_products produits

Ok the formatting is lost but basically locale.txt should be OK...

Any clue in catalog.cfg maybe?? because I commented locale en_US?
