[ic] Changes to the Interchange Developer Web Site

Will Garces interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Tue Oct 22 00:51:01 2002

Mike Heins wrote:
> The Interchange Development Group web site, www.icdevgroup.org,
> now has a new look and a new home.

It looks exactly the same as before. Am I the only one who can't see the 

> You will also probably notice that all mention of Red Hat is gone from
> the site. 

Redhat's name & logo still appear on the masthead when I loaded it.

> One important new feature at the web site is the addition of a
> weblog-style front page. We will be wanting to update that frequently,
> so if you have any of
>     -- Interchange articles or HOWTOs
>     -- Pointers to new UserTags or hacks
>     -- New FAQ entries
>     -- E-commerce media articles that might apply to IC users
>     -- Super mail list postings or rants
>     -- Broader questions for looking for answers
>        from the world
> please feel free to submit them as stories for the front page.
> The mail list search should be much improved. It is based on
> Swish, and allows AND, OR, and NOT search term specification.
> We will soon be changing the documentation search to use Swish, which
> should provide better addressability and relevance scoring for searches.
> In addition, we are implementing a consultant/web designer/hosting
> services directory for Interchange-savvy hosters and consultants.
> We encourage all to give us suggestions for the web site. We can't
> know what you want unless you tell us!

The new changes sound great. I wish I could see them. :-(
