[ic] limit text output on table query

Philip S. Hempel interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Sep 4 00:38:02 2002

I looked through the mail list and docs and
I seem to not find anything on how to
limit text from a query on a table

I would like to have is the ability to display
a few lines (characters) from our comment table
something like a teaser of sorts without having to
modify anything for the item.

What I have done is created a few pages that
pull out particular products and spit them out
onto a page, I want to place a small portion of it
into the area below the product ID.

My problem is that the content for our comments is
enormous and over takes the blocks, I have tried setting
the table height and that becomes a problem since some
other info then gets lost.
And also  is there some widget I can use to place into
each product description that would put a page break



" ... this product has already 40 lines of data
some more info and alot more"

[more info] <--- this produces a page break to follow next


"more data about this product lots more data
another 400 lines of data"

This is an idea I have seen with ezpublish at
developer.ez.no that peforms the same operation

the link to this is at


I am not sure if it would help but I can make the
source available as well.

If anyone has some ideas please let me know.

btw I am using table organize to do this with a loop on the products.

	    Philip S. Hempel