[ic] same tax to all customers.

Jonathan Clark interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Fri Sep 6 14:53:08 2002

> A client wants me to charge the same state tax for ALL customers
> regardless of what state they are in. I debated the legality of this
> with him but he is adamant so I am going to do it and let him worry about
> it.  Problem is that it appears I have to put all 50 states in all fields
> along with their tax values in the tax preferences of the admin panel.
> He wants to tax shipping as well so that means I have to do all 50 states
> in the shipping.asc as well?. Sounds kinda messy and a lot of data
> entry in order to force all with a fixed tax.
> Is that correct?. Isnt there some way to just use a "all" reference or
> some kind of setting to force all orders to be taxed the same amount
> without having to write a perl script?.
> Anyone ever do this before ??

Everyone in the uk. Have a look at
http://www.webmaint.net/interchange/uksetup.html section 5 where I describe
how to set it up to a flat rate.
