[ic] Server.pm

Rich Bodo interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sat Sep 21 20:38:01 2002

Trying to get acquainted with the code.  Got a few developer

First, is there a developers mailing list?

Second, does anyone meet on IRC anymore?  I hang out on irc.cursor.biz
every day until the camper bot kicks me off, waiting for someone to

Third, an actual question about the code: Why are two children forked
in Server.pm, run_server()?  I'm looking at the following code from
the 4.8 version of Server.pm:

        fcntl($pidh, F_SETFD, 0)
            or die ::errmsg(
			"Can't fcntl close-on-exec flag for '%s': %s\n",
			$Global::PIDfile, $!,
        my ($pid1, $pid2);
        if ($pid1 = fork) {
            # parent
			sleep 2;
            exit 0;
        elsif (not defined $pid1) {
            # fork error
            print "Can't fork: $!\n";
            exit 1;
        else {
            # child 1
            if ($pid2 = fork) {
                # still child 1
                exit 0;
            elsif (not defined $pid2) {
                print "child 1 can't fork: $!\n";
                exit 1;
            else {
                # child 2
                sleep 1 until getppid == 1;

                my $running = grab_pid($pidh);
                if ($running) {
                    print errmsg(
		"The Interchange server is already running (process id %s)\n",
                    exit 1;
                print server_start_message(
		"Interchange server started in %s mode(s) (process id %s)\n",
					 ) unless $Vend::Quiet;


                fcntl($pidh, F_SETFD, 1)
                    or die "Can't fcntl close-on-exec flag for '$Global::PIDfile': $!\n";

				$next = server_both();

				opendir(RUNDIR, $Global::RunDir)
					or die "Couldn't open directory $Global::RunDir: $!\n";
				unlink $Global::PIDfile;
                exit 0;

It appears to me that the above code basically does the following:
	   1) set close on exec of the current server (parent) to one
	   2) fork off child process 1 (child1)
	   3) parent waits for child1 to terminate then exits
	   4) child1 forks child2 and child1 exits immediately
	   5) child2 waits for it's parent to die then calls

So the parent, will hang around until a grandkid to exist, then both
the parent and child will exit.  Is my analysis incorrect, or is there
a reason for the family tree here?

BTW, I have taken it upon myself to understand the workings of
Interchange.  If I can get access to just one interchange developer
for infrequent coding questions like this I will pay them back
with documentation and code in spades.  Thanks.


Rich Bodo | rsb@ostel.com | 650-964-4678