[ic] Inconsistent order numbers

Kevin Old interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Mon Apr 7 17:10:01 2003

Hello everyone,

I am using the iTransact module in 4.9.7 and setting the following in

my $company = $opt->{company} || "$::Variable->{COMPANY} Order
        $Session->{mv_order_number} = $opt->{order_id};

so that my order numbers in IC will match the ID that iTransact uses. 
This was all working in 4.9.6 without any problems.  I have not changed
any routes or code.

The 2 emails that are sent from IC have the iTransact order_id in the
mv_order_number field.  However the receipt.html page (calling for
[value mv_order_number] ) and everything printed in the
catalogdirectory/logs/log file and everything in the database is the
TEST000* number.

I have already checked and turned off test mode.

Can someone please shed some light on any changes made from 4.9.6 to
4.9.7 that would cause this?

Kevin Old <kold@carolina.rr.com>