[ic] Creating orders w/API instead of form post?

Marc Brevoort marc.brevoort at armazemdedados.com
Tue Aug 5 15:26:07 EDT 2003

Hello group,

The credit card payment module of our store sends payment orders of the
client directly to our bank, rather than to our site. 

As a result, the credit card handling is a followup page of our checkout
page. We would like to create orders only after the credit card payment
has finished successfully. 

A side effect of this is that our checkout page can no longer post forms
to process.html to create the actual order. 

I am familiar with how Interchange stores purchase orders in its
database, and I could write a function that generates the order records
and related orderline records, but this would seem a waste of effort
considering IC already contains the code to do the same. Rather than
writing my own order creation code, 
is it currently possible (comparable with an API function call) to use
the existing Interchange order handling, without having to post a form
to process.html? 

This would also allow calling several server-side functions in a row
(for example add to basket and checkout in one post), as opposed to
sending a form to the server which only allows one function per post.
Running IC version 4.8.6 on RH 7.3.


Marc Brevoort
e-mail:	marc.brevoort at armazemdedados.com
web:	http://www.armazemdedados.com

Armazem de Dados, Informatica, Lda
Dep. Desenvolvimento
Tel. +351 21 910 83 10 / Fax. +351- 21 910 83 19

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