[ic] Why am I always getting the default translation?

Marc Brevoort marc.brevoort at armazemdedados.com
Thu Aug 14 11:54:43 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 11:20, Stefan Hornburg wrote:
> You might post your locale configuration ...
> You're using 4.8 or 4.9 ?

Using 4.8.6. My .autoload says [mm_locale] and nothing more, what does
this accomplish?

the relevant part of my catalog.cfg by now says

# Last locale specified is the default.
#Locale          en_US LC_CTYPE C
#Locale pt_PT   LC_CTYPE C
Locale  pt_PT   readfile        1
LocaleDatabase  locale

My locale.txt file says
code    en_US   de_DE   fr_FR   pt_PT
January         Januar  Janvier Janeiro
February                Februar Février  Fevereiro
March           März       Mars    Março
April           April   Avril   Abril
May             Mai     Mai     Maio
June            Juni    Juin    Junho
July            Juli    Juillet Julho
August          August  Aout    Agosto
September               September       Septembre Setembro
October         Oktober Octobre Outobro
November                November        Novembre        Novembro
December                Dezember        Décembre Dezembro
PriceDivide     1       0.5409  0.1632  1
currency_symbol €     €     €    
decimal_point   .       .       .       .
default 1       0       0       0
frac_digits     2       2       2       2
mon_decimal_point       .       ,       ,       ,
mon_thousands_sep       ,       ,       .       .
p_cs_precedes   1
p_sep_by_space                  1
price_picture           €  ### ### ###,##
products                de_products     produits        produtos

Then theres the pt_PT.cfg file which is more or less equal to the pt_BR
one except for a few different translations. icmenu.txt is currently in
english, but last time I checked it was properly translated.

If there are any files relevant to the locale config that I've still
missed, just let me know and I'll post it too :)


e-mail:	marc.brevoort at armazemdedados.com
web:	http://www.armazemdedados.com

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