[ic] HTTP POSTing to another server from IC

Marc Brevoort marc.brevoort at armazemdedados.com
Thu Aug 21 17:45:52 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 23:46, Grant wrote:
> I need to POST HTTP requests to another server from IC.  I've been all over
> this thread (
> http://www.icdevgroup.org/pipermail/interchange-users/2003-February/031565.h
> tml ) and an example I have of it being done in Perl and I can't seem to
> figure out how to make it happen in IC after working on it for most of the
> day.  What I need to do is pass certain headers and an XML request to a
> certain URL.  Can anyone help?  Am I making sense?
> - Grant

Try if these get you started. The posttourl tag should be able to handle
regular http without ssl.

Usertag posttourl Order url params
Usertag posttourl Interpolate 1
Usertag posttourl Routine <<EOR
sub {
require HTTP::Request;
require HTTP::Headers;
require LWP::UserAgent; # SSL cabable if Crypt::SSLeay installed
        my $url=shift; my $params=shift;
        $ENV{'HTTPS_VERSION'} = '3';

        my $page="";
        my $request=new HTTP::Request 'POST' => $url;

        my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new;
        my $response = $ua->request($request);
        return $page;

Usertag parsexml hasEndTag
Usertag parsexml Interpolate 1
Usertag parsexml Routine <<EOR
# This usertag takes a block of XML and parses it.
# The found variables will be stored in $CGI.
# Return value of the tag is the list of parsed 
# variables.
# Currently, the tree structure of the XML document 
# is not preserved.
sub {
# This part sets up the XML parser for
# processing the result of the POST operation

# This part only declares/initalizes some stuff 
# for them to be in scope to the subs defined
# next

        my ($xml)=@_;
        require XML::Parser;
        my @field=();
        my $tag="";
        my $result="";

sub cleanupxml {
# This sub attempts to remove some non-xml trash 
# from the returned result of the post operation
# to prevent confusing the XML parser.
# Also, it wraps the xml in tags <XMLDOC_WRAPPER>
# to make the parser tolerate empty xml.
        my ($xmltoclean)=@_;
        my $cleanedxml="";
        my $returnxml="";
        my $start="";
        my $line="";
        my $x=substr($xmltoclean,1,6);
        if (index($xmltoclean,"\<\?xml")<0) {
                $cleanedxml="<\?xml version=\"1.0\"
#               ."\<temp\>".$x."\<\/temp\>" # for debugging
        } else {
        my @xmllines=split("\n",$cleanedxml);
        foreach $line (@xmllines) {
                next if (($line eq "")||($line eq "\n")||($line eq
"\r")||($line eq "\s"));
                if ($start ne "") {
                next if lc(substr($line,0,5)) ne "\<\?xml";


        if ($returnxml eq "") {
                return $returnxml
                ."\<\?xml version=\"1.0\"
        return $returnxml."\<\/XMLDOC_WRAPPER\>";

sub Start_Handler {
# Called when a xml tag start has been found.
        my $p=shift;
        my $el=shift;
        while (my $key=shift) {
                my $val=shift;

sub End_Handler {
#       Called when a xml tag is closed,
#       we do not use it for anything much.
        my $p=shift;
        my $el=shift;

sub Default_Handler {
#       Called when content of a xml tag has been found.
        my $p=shift;
        my $el=shift;

        if (($el eq "")||($tag eq "")) {
        if ($tag eq "XMLDOC_WRAPPER") {
        push @field,$tag;$tag="";

# Tag's executable code starts here

        my $parser=new XML::Parser(ErrorContext=>2);

                End =>\&End_Handler,

#       $result.="--cleanup--<br>\n"; # for debugging
        my $cleanxml=cleanupxml($xml);
#       return $cleanxml; # Preliminary exit for debugging purposes

#       $result.="cleanxml=<br>\n".$cleanxml."<br>\n"; # for debugging
        my $parseresult=$parser->parse($cleanxml);

        my $fieldname="";

#       $result.=substr($cleanxml,1,8); # for debugging

        foreach $fieldname (@field) {
                next if $fieldname eq "";
                next if $fieldname eq "XMLDOC_WRAPPER";
        return $result;


Marc Brevoort
e-mail:	marc.brevoort at armazemdedados.com
web:	http://www.armazemdedados.com

Armazem de Dados, Informatica, Lda
Dep. Desenvolvimento
Tel. +351 21 910 83 10 / Fax. +351- 21 910 83 19

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