[ic] posttourl.tag

Ed LaFrance edl at newmediaems.com
Fri Aug 29 16:43:34 EDT 2003

At 03:01 PM 8/29/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> > Both HTTP::Headers and HTTP::Request have very good manual pages, and
> > the changes to your code will be very simple.
>After checking out the man pages on HTTP::Headers, I changed the "-"
>characters in my headers to "_" and after another minor change, IC restarts
>with the tag without any errors.  I feel like I'm close to a successful
>POST.  I set up a test page to call the posttourl.tag and got a 500 error.
>I noticed the following in my error.log:
>[29/August/2003:10:18:24 -0700] path/test.html Runtime error: Can't locate
>object method "X_API_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL" via package "HTTP::Headers" at
>/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/HTTP/Message.pm line 189.
>Can anyone interpret that error and point me in the right direction as far
>as fixing it?  I'm calling posttourl.tag with the following code:
>         # params are passed to posttourl via cgi to allow
>         # fixed string with variable values
>         my $page="";
>         $CGI->{url}="https://the.url";
>         $CGI->{params}="<?xml version='1.0' 
> encoding='iso-8859-1'?><request>a bunch
>of XML</request>";
>         $CGI->{apicall}="thecall";
>         $page.="Connecting to ".$CGI->{url}
>         ."?".$CGI->{params}."<br>\n";
>         $CGI->{C016}="";
>         return $page;
>[seti postonly]
>[posttourl url="[cgi url]" params="[cgi params]" apicall="[cgi apicall]"]
>and here's the posttourl.tag:
>Usertag posttourl Order url params apicall
>Usertag posttourl Routine <<EOR
>use HTTP::Request;
>use HTTP::Headers;
>use LWP::UserAgent;
>sub {
>         my ($url,$params,$apicall) = @_;
>         local($ENV{'HTTPS_VERSION'}) = '3';
>         local($ENV{'HTTPS_CERT_FILE'}) = 'xxx.pem';
>         local($ENV{'HTTPS_KEY_FILE'}) = 'xxx.key';
>         my $request = new HTTP::Request('POST' => $url);
>         $request->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
>         $request->content($params);
>         $request->content_length(length($params));
>         $request->X_API_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL(305);
>         $request->X_API_SESSION_CERTIFICATE('sensitive');
>         $request->X_API_DEV_NAME('sensitive');
>         $request->X_API_APP_NAME('sensitive');
>         $request->X_API_CERT_NAME('sensitive');
>         $request->X_API_CALL_NAME($apicall);
>         $request->X_API_SITEID(0);
>         $request->X_API_DETAIL_LEVEL(0);
>         my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
>         my $response = $ua->request($request);
>         my $page = $response->as_string() . "\n\n\n";
>         $page .= $response->code() . "\n";
>         $page .= $response->message() . "\n";
>         return $page;
>- Grant

 From perldoc HTTP::Request -

     $r = HTTP::Request->new($method, $uri, $header, $content)
            Constructs a new "HTTP::Request" object describing a
            request on the object "$uri" using method "$method".
            The "$uri" argument can be either a string, or a ref-
            erence to a "URI" object.  The optional $header argu-
            ment should be a reference to an "HTTP::Headers"
            object.  The optional $content argument should be a

 From perldoc HTTP::Headers -

        $h = HTTP::Headers->new
            Constructs a new "HTTP::Headers" object.  You might
            pass some initial attribute-value pairs as parameters
            to the constructor.  E.g.:

             $h = HTTP::Headers->new(
                   Date         => 'Thu, 03 Feb 1994 00:00:00 GMT',
                   Content_Type => 'text/html; version=3.2',
                   Content_Base => 'http://www.perl.org/');

...so in your case I think you would want to do something like:

my $header = HTTP::Headers->new(
         X_API_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL => '305',
         X_API_SESSION_CERTIFICATE => 'sensitive',

...then pass $header to your http request per the docs.

- Ed L.

New Media E.M.S.              Technology Solutions for Business
463 Main St., Suite D         eCommerce | Consulting | Hosting
Placerville, CA  95667        edl at newmediaems.com
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