[ic] Look ahead at next value in a query/list?

Paul Jordan paul at gishnetwork.com
Mon Jul 14 18:35:35 EDT 2003

> This is a common-enough need so that it might make sense to overload
> [item-alternate], something like [item-alternate except_last]. In fact,
> it makes so much sense that I have done it and put it in CVS. If you
> use the latest, you will want:
>     [list]
> 	[sql-param author][sql-alternate except_last], [/sql-alternate]
>     [/list]
> --
> Mike Heins

AaaaaaannnnD how!

I can clean up some code with this! Actually half... How about an
'except_first' ??

I use a psuedo hack 'except_first' in order to not close the first </td> when
using ORDER_BY (tf) and returning results into vertical categories, with each
ORDER_BY in a vertical column.

	results_1	results_2	results_3
	.....		.....		......
	.....		.....		.......
	...		..		.....
	......				.....
	....				......

Pretty please?


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