[ic] Sub-catategories to sub-category on Category menu

Christian Brink interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Jun 18 12:18:00 2003

> Can anyone please guide me on the following setup I wanna have on Left
> side categories:
> * Category1
>     -> Sub-Cat1
>         ->Sub-Sub-cat1
>         ->Sub-Sub-cat2

I have a module and schema for this. It uses a nested set to give
arbitrary levels of category depth and then relate that to products. It
does not yet have an admin interface. I was planning on releasing it once
the admin interface is done, but I can send yoiu the code I have now.

> Also can we have just graphic images instead of Text matter as category
> links.

I would recommend against this for a few of reasons.
1. Creating graphics on the fly and making them look consistantly good
with Image::Magick or other perl graphic modules is a non-trivial task.
2. Even if you keep you images small you have increased the size of your
web page and increased the download and rendering time. Any ecommerce web
site should initially load in less than 4 seconds.
3. Almost all the text effects you want on a navigation bar can be done
with style sheets. If you want a text effect that style sheets can not do
you most likely do not want that effect. Navigation should be simple to
use and simple to read.

Christian Brink