[ic] Static pages to boost performance

Steve interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Tue Jun 24 12:32:01 2003

> > Do your expire the old sessions?
> > http://www.icdevgroup.org/i/doc/wiki/AdvExpiringSessions.html
> >
> > This can be a big drag on interchange if there are too many....
> Thanks for the tip.  I put the following in my crontab, as I use the
> default
> DBM database at the moment:
> >>  40 4 * * *    perl /usr/local/interchange/bin/expireall -r
> Did you look in your tmp directory to see if you are accumulating
> scratch vars?
>How would I tell if I was?
Look in your catalog root directory (the one with catalog.cfg)
you should see a directory called tmp, and a directory call session.
list the files in each, and see what you get.
> Boost up your ram to 1 gig if possible, although it might be more
> advantageous to put the money in a new pc. 128mb is not really enough.
>Unfortunately I took out a 3 year lease, so I'm pretty much stuck with this
>system spec - plus my client, understandably, doesn't want to pile yet more
>money into a new server when he isn't seeing much return from the existing

>So is anybody going to tell me how to make a static version of my site, or
>not?  If not, I shall have to bodge something up myself :-P

Some of your answers are available in the searchable docs at

I have not used the static build, and am not sure it is really supported-
read the following thread:

Over and out...............