[ic] loop search fails with SQl database

Rolf Schaufelberger interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Wed Jun 25 09:47:00 2003

I have Interchange V4.8.7 up an d running whith the foundation store. 
Next I implemented the tutorial store which also worked fine.  Now I changed 
the products database from txt file to mysql table. The table was created 
manually (not filled by makecat). Now, my index.html with [loop search=..] 
does'nt show anything, while [sql typ=list...] works. 
In detail :

ParseVariables  Yes

ifndef SQLDSN
Variable  SQLDSN  dbi:mysql:test

Require module DBI
Require module DBD::mysql

Message -i -n Using MySQL, DSN=__SQLDSN__...

# Tell the default DBM we are using something else.
Database	products	products.txt	SQL
Database	products	DSN	__SQLDSN__

Database  products  KEY          sku
Database  products  COLUMN_DEF   "sku=char(64) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY"
Database  products  COLUMN_DEF   "description=VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL"
Database  products  COLUMN_DEF   "title=VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
Database  products  INDEX         title
Database  products  COLUMN_DEF   "price=DECIMAL(12,2) NOT NULL"
Database  products  INDEX         price

NoImport  products

ProductFiles  products

I pulled all in here from the foundation examples.

rs@linux:~/catalogs/tutorial> ls -l products/
insgesamt 16
-rw-------    1 rs       users          19 Jun 25 10:30 products.autonumber
-rw-------    1 rs       users           1 Jun 25 10:16 products.sql
-rw-r--r--    1 rs       users           0 Jun 25 10:51 products.txt

And index.html
<table cellpadding=5>
  <th>ID #</th>
 [loop search="ra=yes/fi=products"]
  <td><a href="[loop-code].html">[loop-field description]</a></td>
  <td align=right>[currency][loop-field price][/currency]</td>
  <td>[order [loop-code]]Bestellen[/order]</td>



  [sql type=list
    query="select sku,description from products"]
    <TD>[page [sql-code]][sql-code]</A></TD>
    <TD>[sql-param description]</TD>

mysql> desc products;
| Field       | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| sku         | varchar(64)   |      | PRI |         |       |
| description | varchar(128)  |      |     |         |       |
| title       | varchar(128)  |      |     |         |       |
| price       | decimal(12,2) |      |     | 0.00    |       |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now, the first table in index.html is empty while the second is correct. Also 
[page [sql-code]] works (i.e flypage.html) and ord/basket.html works (code 
exactly taken from tutorial ). Search doesn't work.

So where is my problem (beside the documentation, which I consider to be a 
problem :-(  )

Rolf Schaufelberger