[ic] Html email

Anthony Minero anthony at urbanscooters.com
Thu Nov 6 17:50:26 EST 2003

Is anyone familiar with sending an html email for orders?
Right now we have an email set up that seems to be working fine when I check
it on a Yahoo account or even on my MAC using Entourage. But for some reason
when I check it on a PC using Microsoft Outlook it's completely screwed up.
It's like Outlook is having trouble with some characters or something.
I've completely cleaned up all the html code in the but it still ends up
screwy. I checked the source code in the email and it looks like it's
replacing some character with "3D" whatever that is.

Any ideas what may be causing outlook to read it funny?

I have the following format in the page:

[tmp receipt]
<table width="100%"><TR><TD align=left VALIGN=top>
[if value email_copy]
Sending email copy of order [value mv_order_number] to [value email]:
To: [value email]
Subject: Your Order - Invoice #[value mv_order_number], [if value
b_address1][value b_lname][else][value lname][/else][/if]
From: "__COMPANY__ Customer Service" <__ORDERS_TO__>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[scratch receipt]
[else]Email copy of order [value mv_order_number] NOT REQUESTED for [value
[comment] Now send a copy to the store owner [/comment]
To: someone at somewhere.com
Subject: Your Order - Invoice #[value mv_order_number], [if value
b_address1][value b_lname][else][value lname][/else][/if]
From: "__COMPANY__ Customer Service" <__ORDERS_TO__>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[scratch receipt]

-- Anthony

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