[ic] Is there a different cart used when a user logs in ????

Jim Boyer boyerj at wsu.edu
Tue Oct 7 16:09:57 EDT 2003


I have a shipping function that is based on the contents of the cart, 
specifically type of products and price.  The UserTag is defined in the 
catalog.cfg and shipping methods and works fine when a customer does not 
login to an account.  When the customer logs in to an account the function 
fails to work and it appears that the cart is not available to the 
UserTag.  Do I need to access the cart differently when a user logs in 
compared to when they don't log in?  Here are the version specifics, RH 
7.2, IC 4.9.7-200305121041, MySql .

Thanks for any help,

I am getting the following error (where pubs is the name of the database), 
even when I do a refresh.

Note: No match found for mode 'pubs', quantity '', returning 0.

Here is the shipping.asc file
stnd    standard        [subtotal noformat=1]   0       0       e Nothing 
to ship!              {'ui_ship_type' => "_subtotal",'ups' => 
"0",'at_least' => "1",}
stnd    standard        [subtotal noformat=1]   0       9999999 f 
[calc_shipping]               {'PriceDivide' => "1",}

Here is the UserTag in my catalog.cfg
# added to calculate shipping for publications
# and cd/video combination
UserTag calc_shipping Routine <<EOF
      # this routine is used to calculate shipping cost
      # here is the business rule
      # shipping is based only on price if no cd or video ordered
      # if cd/video ordered with pubs then
      #    shipping is calculated on pubs subtotal price + a fixed
      #    value for each video or cd ordered
      # if only cd/video ordered then
      #    shipping is calculated as fixed price for the first cd/video
      #    and a lower fixed price for the remaining cd/videos
      # example (cd and pubs)
      #    pubs price total $25 and 2 cds price total $50
      #    shipping is $6 for the pubs + 2($1) for each cd
      #    giving a total of $8 shipping
      # example (1 video and 2 cd)
      #    price for first video/cd = $4 + $1 for each additional
      #    shipping is $4 + 2($1) = $6

      # fixed charges for cd/video
      my $firstCDPrice = 4;
      my $moreCDPrice = 1;

      # temp variables
      my $totalItems = 0;
      my $exceptions = 0;
      my $subTot = 0;
      my $shippingCharge = 0;
      my $pubShipping = 0;
      my $price = 99;

      my $cart = $Carts->{main};

      # loop through the cart items
      foreach my $item (@$cart)
           $price = $Tag->price({
                     code => $item->{code},
                     quantity => $item->{quantity},
                     noformat => 1,

           # add the quantity to the total number of items
           $totalItems+= $item->{quantity};

           # if sku starts with VT (video) or CD then it is an exception
           if ( ( $item->{code} =~ /^VT/ ) || ( $item->{code} =~ /^CD/ ) )
                # add the quantity of the video or cd to the exceptions
                $exceptions+= $item->{quantity};

           else  # sub total without the video or cd costs
                # add the price * quantity to the sub total
                $subTot+= ($price * $item->{quantity});

      # check for cd or videos
      if ( $exceptions > 0 )
           # are there pubs as well as videos
           if ( $exceptions < $totalItems )
                # calculate pubShipping on sub total without video's or cds
                # this is a small table to check
                     if ( $subTot <= 3 ) { $pubShipping = 1; last ShipBlock1; }
                     if ( $subTot <= 4) { $pubShipping = 2; last ShipBlock1; }
                     if ( $subTot <= 7) { $pubShipping = 4; last ShipBlock1; }
                     if ( $subTot <= 10) { $pubShipping = 5; last ShipBlock1; }
                     if ( $subTot <= 25) { $pubShipping = 6; last ShipBlock1; }
                     if ( $subTot <= 40) { $pubShipping = 7; last ShipBlock1; }
                     if ( $subTot <= 75) { $pubShipping = 8; last ShipBlock1; }
                     if ( $subTot <= 100) { $pubShipping = 9; last 
ShipBlock1; }
                     if ( $subTot <= 125) { $pubShipping = 10; last 
ShipBlock1; }
                     if ( $subTot > 125 ) { $pubShipping = ($subTot * 
0.11); last ShipBlock1; }
                     $pubShipping = 9999;

                $shippingCharge = $pubShipping + ($exceptions * $moreCDPrice);

           else  # calculate using only videos and cds
                # first one has a different price

                $shippingCharge = $firstCDPrice + ($exceptions * $moreCDPrice);

           # no videos, calculate shipping on cost
           # this is a small table to check
                if ( $subTot <= 3 ) { $pubShipping = 1; last ShipBlock2; }
                if ( $subTot <= 4) { $pubShipping = 2; last ShipBlock2; }
                if ( $subTot <= 7) { $pubShipping = 4; last ShipBlock2; }
                if ( $subTot <= 10) { $pubShipping = 5; last ShipBlock2; }
                if ( $subTot <= 25) { $pubShipping = 6; last ShipBlock2; }
                if ( $subTot <= 40) { $pubShipping = 7; last ShipBlock2; }
                if ( $subTot <= 75) { $pubShipping = 8; last ShipBlock2; }
                if ( $subTot <= 100) { $pubShipping = 9; last ShipBlock2; }
                if ( $subTot <= 125) { $pubShipping = 10; last ShipBlock2; }
                if ( $subTot > 125 ) { $pubShipping = ($subTot * 0.11); 
last ShipBlock2; }
                $pubShipping = 9999;

           $shippingCharge = $pubShipping;

      # return the shipping cost
      return $shippingCharge;

Jim Boyer
Systems Programmer
Information Dept
College of Agriculture and Home Economics
Washington State University

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