[ic] PDF link

Chris Gruber chris.gruber at basic-world.de
Tue Sep 30 13:45:03 EDT 2003


I would like to have a link in the flypage.html to a pdf file describing that 
product in detail. So I created the directory pages/pdf and copied all pdfs 
in. The names are stored in the products table (field pdf = 'sku.pdf'). But 
the link is I found in an old post from Raj Bhushan Thakuri is not working 
for me.

<a href="[area pdf/[item-field pdf]]">Details</a>

I also tried

[page pdf/[item-field pdf]]Details</a>

The link I get is


It appends .html so I think thats the problem. How can I solve this?
I am running IC 4.8.7 on a SuSE 8.0.

Many thanks
Chris Gruber

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