[ic] Unable to OK from Item Editor - RESOLVED

Andrew Rich andrew at mapsdownunder.com.au
Wed Dec 1 20:28:35 EST 2004

> IC 5.3
> Perl 5.6.1
> Mysql 3.23.58
> In the last hour I have suddenly been unable to save (OK) from the
> Editor screen.  This has been tested on 2 catalogs.
> This worked fine before an hour ago.  I was simply changing the color
> a <td> within a <table> in the continent of a product.
> I was editing a number of products when suddenly it stopped working.
> When I press OK the flex_edit is shown in lower corner (IE) but page
> eventually times out.
> This error is in the apache error log:
> copy script args timed out'
> I have restarted the server without success.

As some may have guessed this was not actually any Interchange issue!

Apparently the ISP of where my server is hosted was having some problems
(may have been MTU size!).  So host people contacted ISP today whom
seemed to have resolved their problem.

Thanks anyone who read the message.  I do have some real questions to
ask but will get around to them soon.

Andrew Rich
Maps Downunder

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