[ic] Mozilla 1.4 + crashes

Peter peter at pajamian.dhs.org
Tue Feb 10 22:19:44 EST 2004

Upgrade to Mozilla 1.5 or higher and upgrade to IC 5.0 or higher, the 
combination of these upgrades resolves the problem (though it really is 
entirely a Mozilla issue).  Note, though that there are still some IC 
admin pages (the content editing pages comes to mind) that don't display 
properly with Mozilla 1.3+ which is why I keep a copy of Mozilla 1.2.1 
on my computer just for working the admin area of IC.

It would be nice if Mozilla resolved these issues completely, but my 
understanding is they have recently had thier funding cut from AOL so 
it's probably being worked on an entirely volunteer basis now.

Also see these Mozilla bug reports:


James Kinney wrote:
> When accessing an item in the admin interface from the item list Mozilla
> 1.4 and higher segfault and die. Mozilla 1.2 works OK. It's got to be some
> of the javascript. Any ideas where to look? This is not an issue that the
> customer sees. But the manager sees it when they try to edit an item after
> upgrading.
> It's getting a bugzilla notice to Mozilla since it appears to be mainly
> their issue. But I thought I'd post it here as well in case someone else
> is pulling out their hair and downgrading to Moz 1.2. (Linux version)

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