[ic] CookieLogin and no userdb table

Stefan Hornburg racke at linuxia.de
Mon Jun 14 07:03:27 EDT 2004

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 12:15:46 -0700 (PDT)
Grant <emailgrant123b at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I do have a userdb table because IC seems to require
> it, but it is just a placeholder with one field
> (username) and no data.  I've been using a table
> called users as my "userdb" table and using the userdb
> tag like this:
> [userdb database="users" ...]
> I'm having trouble getting CookieLogin to work.  The
> cookies are set properly, but there is no automatic
> logging in.  I suspect this is because I use "users"
> as my "userdb" table.  If that could be it, is there
> any way to specify users as my userdb table for
> CookieLogin?

Change the "default" profile (the default one :-;) or
your UserDB profile:

UserDB default database users


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