[ic] Passing Multiple Temporary Variables

Stefan Hornburg racke at linuxia.de
Wed May 26 12:53:44 EDT 2004

On Sat, 22 May 2004 19:13:05 -0700
"New Media E.M.S." <ic_users at newmediaems.com> wrote:

> At 12:11 AM 5/23/2004 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm vaguely aware of using mv_arg to pass an argument from one page to the
> >next, but I'm going to need to pass multiple form variables from one IC page
> >to the next (i.e. from form1.html to form2.html without using a .cgi)
> >without needing to store them in the database anywhere.  Is this even
> >possible and, if so, how would one go about it?  Looks like [session] comes
> >into it somewhere but I can't find a working example.  Thanks!
> >
> >Regards, Ade.
> Any form value that is posted back to interchange is subsequently available 
> as [cgi foo] (and persists as [value foo]).

(only if either implicitly or explicitly [update values] is called).


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