[ic] RFC: Interchange Tags in HTML comments

Stefan Hornburg racke at linuxia.de
Mon Sep 6 06:10:46 EDT 2004


currently the Interchange parser strips HTML comments wrapping Interchange

<!--[data session browser]-->
shows as 
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; X11; Linux i686) Opera 7.54 [en]

We assume that only a few users know about this arcane
"feature", which in the current implementation might have unwanted
side effects, as Jonathan Clark recently found:

[tmp stuff]horse[/tmp]

this works:[if scratch stuff eq horse]<[/if]
this works:[if scratch stuff eq horse]<![/if]

this doesnt work:[if scratch stuff eq horse]<!--[/if]
this doesnt work:[if scratch stuff eq horse]-->[/if]

We want to decide the fate of this "feature". In the case that
people want to rely on it in the future, it will be switched
off unless a certain pragma is used.
Otherwise it will be removed in Interchange 5.4.

Thanks for any comments


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Expert Interchange Consulting and System Administration
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