[ic] FedEx Shipping WWW Lookup

Russell Mann tech at khouse.org
Wed Sep 22 17:45:29 EDT 2004


IC 5.2

I've browsed a bunch of the email list and can't figure out how to make
Fedex Shipping work with WWW Lookups.  Here's what goes into my shipping.asc
after using the GUI admin to create a couple of FedEx shipping options:

fedexg  FedEx Ground    weight  0       0       e Nothing to ship!
{'ups' => "0",'ui_ship_type' => "FEDE:FEG",}
fedexg  FedEx Ground    weight  0       150     f [fedex-query cache=1
mode=FEG weight="@@TOTAL@@"]             {'PriceDivide' => "0",}
fedexg  FedEx Ground    weight  150     9999999 e Too heavy for FedEx
{'PriceDivide' => "0",}

fedex2day       FedEx 2 Day     weight  0       0       e Nothing to ship!
{'ups' => "0",'ui_ship_type' => "FEDE:F2D",'PriceDivide' => "0",}
fedex2day       FedEx 2 Day     weight  0       150     f [fedex-query
cache=1 mode=F2D weight="@@TOTAL@@"]             {'PriceDivide' => "0",}
fedex2day       FedEx 2 Day     weight  150     9999999 e Too heavy for
FedEx           {'PriceDivide' => "0",}

"fedexg" and "fedex2day" are both in my "countries" table for the USA.  When
I use this code:

[loop option=mv_shipmode
list=|[data table=country key='[default ship_country US]' col=shipmodes]|
[perl interpolate=1]
$sub = [shipping mode=[loop-code] noformat=1] + 0;
$weight = "[scratch weight]";
$code = "[loop-code]";
[if value ship_state]
$state = "[value ship_state]";
[if session ship_message]
$ship_message =  "[data session ship_message]";
return '[loop-code] - [shipping-desc [loop-code]] [shipping

To display my shipping options, I see everything, including zero dollar
options, and the FedEx's are coming back with $0.00

free - Free Shipping - U.S. $0.00
uspspm - USPS Priority Mail $3.95
upsg - UPS Ground $4.93
ups3 - UPS Three Day $6.20
upsbak - UPS Two Day AK/HI $0.00
ups2 - UPS Two Day $8.80
download - Download Products/No Shipping $0.00
fedexg - FedEx Ground $0.00
fedex2day - FedEx 2 Day $0.00

Posts such as this one:

Indicate a fall 2002 update/fix to the Fedex.pm module, but the link is now
404'd, and I'd hope/expect that those changes were incorporated by the 5.2

Any suggestions or clues?  Or documentation that I can't seem to find?



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