[ic] Change to page for 5.3 Standard

Andrew Rich andrew at itdownunder.com.au
Sat Feb 5 05:08:39 EST 2005


IC 5.3

I have had customers say that going Next from the secure ord/shipping
page says that they are moving to an insecure page.  

Looking into this I see that if the checkbox is ticked at the bottom
ord/shipping then a user is bounced from ord/billing to ord/shipmode but
the bounce does not include the secure=1 code.

I am suggesting this as a change in the top of ord/billing


[bounce page=ord/shipmode if="[value mv_same_billing]"]


[bounce href="[area href=ord/shipmode secure=1]" if="[value

Is this ok.  If so then could it be updated in the Standard Template.

Andrew Rich
Maps Downunder

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