[ic] credit card failure

Scott A joscan at comcast.net
Wed Feb 16 11:22:28 EST 2005

Hello list,
 I use to get credit card failure notifications. When I switch my 
routing to occur in profiles.order file with...
[if value order_desk_entry == 1]

&fatal = yes

&set = mv_payment Incomplete
rec_via=required Need received information
[if variable PAYMENT_MODE]
[value name=mv_payment_realtime set=""]
&credit_card=standard keep __CREDIT_CARDS_ACCEPTED__
[if value wsm_ordering == 1]
       $Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_MODE} = 'authorizenet';
       $Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_ID} = 'my-id';
       $Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_SECRET} = 'my-secret';
       $Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_TRANKEY} = 'my-transkey';
       return "&charge=$Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_MODE}";
       $Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_MODE} = 'authorizenet';
       $Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_ID} = 'my-id2';
       $Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_SECRET} = 'my-secret2';
       $Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_TRANKEY} = 'my-trans-key2';
       return "&charge=$Variable->{MV_PAYMENT_MODE}";
&set=mv_payment Real-time Credit Card (%c -- authorizenet)
&set=mv_payment_realtime 1
&credit_card=standard __CREDIT_CARDS_ACCEPTED__
&set=mv_payment Credit Card (%c)
&calc = $Values->{mv_payment} =~ s/\%c/$Values->{mv_credit_card_type}/g; 1;
[if value mv_credit_card_type != amex]
mv_credit_card_cvv2=required CCV required for this credit card.
&final = yes

and in log_transactions I have...
[elsif value mv_order_profile eq credit_card]
    [tmp name="charge_succeed"][charge id="authorizenet"][/tmp]
    [if scratch charge_succeed]
    [set do_invoice]1[/set]
    [set do_payment]1[/set]
    Real-time charge succeeded. ID=[data session payment_id]
    Real-time charge FAILED. Reason: [data session cybercash_error]
        die errmsg(
                "Real-time charge failed. Reason: %s\n",
         [set do_badcc]1[/set]
it all seemed to stop workink.

The problems seem  to be in the charge_succeed acratch variable portion 
of the script...This logging is very important to our company so this is 
kind of critical if anyone has any ideas could you please share them


Scott A

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