[ic] NoAbsolute Question

Andrew Rich andrew at mapsdownunder.com.au
Tue Jan 11 00:24:31 EST 2005

Hi All

IC 5.3.200412110658

After recent questions that I should have known how to get around better
after 2.5 years using Interchange I decided to do the tutorial form the
Interchange website.

Apart from a few inconsistencies (another e-mail yet to come) and typos
I finally made it to the end.

In the last section of the tutorial there is a recommendation of placing
top, left and bottom into variables rather then as "include".  I then
received "with NoAbsolute set" message at restart of Interchange for the
tutorial catalog.

At the time I thought this was just affecting the Tutorial catalog I had
created but then discovered that the same error was now occurring
(visible in error.log) on the checkout of our main site when the credit
card number was being encrypted. i.e NoAbsolute on

I then quickly changed NoAbsolute from Yes to No in the interchange.cfg.
This seems to have fixed it.

The only other change was in the /usr/local/interchange area I noticed a
few folders or files were not completely owned by interch so I did a
chown -R interch.interch *

So, should I have NoAbsolute set to Yes or No?
Why did I need it set to No for the variable approach over include?
Why did this variable approach in one catalog affect another catalog?

Thank you
Andrew Rich
Maps Downunder

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