[ic] Googlebot Getting 500 Errors ... but he's the only one

David Bordas david.bordas at wanadoo.fr
Mon May 30 11:53:35 EDT 2005

Kevin Walsh [kevin at cursor.biz] wrote :
 > I've run your test script against an Interchange 5.2 website, with the
 > current mod_interchange (version 1.32), and don't get any errors:
 >     1..2
 >     ok 1 - check http status is 200 without if-modified-since header
 >     ok 2 - check http status is not 500 with if-modified-since header 
(status is 200)
 > I don't recall seeing a patch for a problem related to the
 > "if-modified-since" HTTP header, although I could be mistaken.  If you
 > send me your patch, I'll compare it with the current code and see if
 > changes need to be made.

Hi Kevin,

It seems i have got some problem here.

Exemple in apache access_log :
[25/May/2005:17:56:04 +0200] "GET /mic/nos_produits.html HTTP/1.0" 500 
601 "-" "Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)"

And then in apache error_log :
[Wed May 25 17:56:04 2005] [error] [client] Malformed 
header return by Interchange:

I'm using mod_interchange 1.32, IC 5.2 and apache 1.3.33.

Some piece of interchange.cfg :
Variable  TRAFFIC  rpc
ifdef TRAFFIC =~ /rpc/i
Message RPC traffic settings.
PreFork             Yes
StartServers        5
MaxServers          0
MaxRequestsPerChild 100
HouseKeeping        2
PIDcheck            120

I've also tried the perl script and got same result :
[5:50pm]> perl test_google_bug.pl http://www.testadaz.com/
ok 1 - check http status is 200 without if-modified-since
ok 2 - check http status is not 500 with if-modified-since

For moment i didn't see anything that can help us :(
I hope we'll find something soon and then get back to google index :)


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