[ic] Googlebot Getting 500 Errors ... but he's the only one

David Bordas bordas at testadaz.com
Mon May 30 15:56:31 EDT 2005

Mike Heins a écrit :

>>Here's extract of different log file at the same time :
>>interchange/error.log : nothing very usefull :
>>[16/May/2005:18:58:46 +0200] 
>>CGI mapping error: Syntax error in GET input: i
>It just looks like a bad link on one of your pages, or that Google has a
>size limit on URLs and just trims off the end if it hits it.
>Try putting:
>	TolerateGet Yes
>in interchange.cfg and see if that changes something.
Thanks Mike.

But the "Syntex error in Get" wasn't the main problem.
In fact, my problem is that IC makes 500 errors when google bot tries to 
crawl my site :(
So i've only got a few pages in google index.

Errors for that are :
Apache access_log :
[25/May/2005:17:19:10 +0200] "GET /mic/contact.html HTTP/1.0" 500 601 
"-" "Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)"
[25/May/2005:17:23:47 +0200] "GET /mic/00096.html HTTP/1.0" 500 601 "-" 
"Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)"

Apache error_log :
[Wed May 25 17:19:10 2005] [error] [client] Malformed 
header return by Interchange:
[Wed May 25 17:23:47 2005] [error] [client] Malformed 
header return by Interchange:

This is an exemple, i got "Malformed header return by Interchange" for 
each page whith google bot.
Msn bot seems to be better.
I can't figure why interchange returns http error 500 for google ...


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