[ic] Shopping cart item description...

Jon Jensen jon at endpoint.com
Thu Oct 13 14:50:25 EDT 2005

On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Gert van der Spoel wrote:

>> I am trying to retrieve the item description from the shopping cart.  I
>> have been able to retrieve the item code, but the description returns an
>> undef value.
> The cart does not have the description information saved. Some more info on 
> shopping cart hash:
> http://www.icdevgroup.org/i/dev/docfly.html?mv_arg=icfaq07%2e04 
> I think this is still pretty much the situation ... So if you want to get the 
> description you will have to find it in another way.

To have the cart automatically store the description, you should be able 
to do:

     AutoModifier description

Along with any other fields you need. I prefer not to touch the database 
for cart display, if you can manage it.


Jon Jensen
End Point Corporation
Software development with Interchange, Perl, PostgreSQL, Apache, Linux, ...

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