[ic] File Manager

Jon Jensen jon at endpoint.com
Mon Oct 17 12:30:19 EDT 2005

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, maillists wrote:

> I am working on building a "file manager" within Interchange for
> non-admin users.  I am stuck trying to set up a way to "delete" files.
> I have a simple tag that I can't seem to make work, and I get nothing in
> the error log.
> Here is the tag:
> -------------------------------
> UserTag delete-file Routine <<EOR
> sub {
> my ($row) = @_;
> my $file = $row->{deletefile};
> unlink($file);
> }
> -----------------------------
> I call it with a form link setting the value of deletefile to the whole
> path of the file that I want to delete.
> i.e. [value deletefile] returns:
> /var/www/www.website.com/catalog/pathtofiles/filename.dia
> and on a success page I just call the tag like so:
> [deletefile]

It looks to me like you're calling the deletefile usertag, but you defined 
the delete-file usertag. One has a hyphen, the other doesn't. You don't 
get anything in the error log because delete-file was never called.


Jon Jensen
End Point Corporation

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