[ic] Re: SessionExpire and cleaning up sessions

Jon Jensen jon at endpoint.com
Mon May 28 13:05:10 EDT 2007

On Mon, 28 May 2007, Grant wrote:

>> I use 'SessionExpire 2 days' in catalog.cfg, and the following is run
>> nightly to clean up sessions:
>> # find /pathto/catalog/tmp -type f -mmin +480 | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm
>> # find /pathto/catalog/tmp -type d -empty -depth -mindepth 1 | xargs
>> --no-run-if-empty rmdir
>> # find /pathto/catalog/session -type f -mmin +480 | xargs --no-run-if-empty 
>> rm
>> # find /pathto/catalog/session -type d -empty -depth -mindepth 1 |
>> xargs --no-run-if-empty rmdir
>> Do those entries clean up all sessions, active and inactive?  If so,
>> is there a way to clean up sessions only after 2 days of inactivity?
>> Should I put my sessions in a DBM or mysql database instead of in files?
> Sorry to reply to myself, but I looked into the -mmin +480 parameter and 
> apparently the command won't clean up a session unless it has been 
> inactive for 8 hours.  I changed the parameters to -mmin +2940 so they 
> won't be cleaned up unless inactive for 49 hours.  That should give 
> SessionExpire a chance to kick in first at 48 hours.
> Does that seem OK?

Sounds fine. I don't know of any importance for SessionExpire to apply 
before you delete the session; it's basically the same either way.

You can use the -mtime argument to find to specify days if you fine -mmin 
+2940 to be too obscure. :)

> I'm still wondering about switching from files to a real DB for 
> sessions.

I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a real reason. Sessions stored in 
files on a local filesystem are generally the most efficient and easy to 
manage and prevent fewer locking difficulties than DBM or MySQL with 
MyISAM tables.


Jon Jensen
End Point Corporation

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