[ic] Renaming catalog.cfg - Managing multiple catalogs

Marty Tennison marty at dripdepot.com
Sat Dec 20 01:00:59 UTC 2008

Ron Phipps wrote:

> Hi Marty,
> I've done this before for a client where the admin was separated from 
> the main catalog, but they needed to share some configuration 
> information.  This was done with this layout:
> catalogs/
> 	stores/
> 		shared_config -> ../shared_config
> 	admin/
> 		shared_config -> ../shared_config
> 	shared_config/
> 		shared_catalog.cfg
> 		dbconf/
> Then in each stores catalog.cfg we do:
> include shared_config/shared_catalog.cfg
> include shared_config/dbconf/*.cfg
> Common config information goes in shared_config/shared_catalog.cfg, 
> catalog specific goes in catalog.cfg for the catalog in question.
> So this implementation is a bit different then yours.  We configured 
> each catalog with it's own catalog.cfg, but it goes and looks at the 
> shared_config to get the shared information.
Thanks Ron,

I'll play around with your suggestion and see what I can come up with. 
I also just found the "SubCatalog" directive (slapping forehead DOH!!!!)

Thanks for your help Ron, I appreciate it.

-  - -- ----  ---------------------------- --- -- -   -
Marty Tennison                     DripDepot.com
-  -- --- --------------------------------------- --- --

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