[ic] Renaming catalog.cfg - Managing multiple catalogs

Marty Tennison marty at dripdepot.com
Mon Dec 22 17:32:42 UTC 2008

Doug Whiteley wrote:
> [snip]
> Or use symlinks.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the help.  I actually came up with a pretty nice solution
that is (so far) working quite well.  I'll post what I've done so far in
case anyone else tries this.

Scenario:  I'm a single developer managing two (or more) catalogs.  My
goal was to re-use as much code as possible from the catalogs but still
retain the flexibility to separate portions of code in an organized
manner.  I got this idea from studying the Magento software and I really
liked they way they handled multi store setups. 

The goals were this...

1) Store all catalogs in the same directory structure
2) Share as much (or as little) configuration setting between catalogs.
3) Allow separation of pages, blocks of code and themes simply by
placing files in different directories and not having to make
configuration changes.
4) Minimal or no use of symlinks to ease SVN configuration and enhance
organizational intuitiveness.
5) Minimal duplication of configuration settings.
And a lot more (to verbose to post)

So the solution I came up with was to use Subcatalog, PageDir,
TemplateDir and a lot of 'ParseVariables  Yes' goodness. With this setup
I can create catalog specific or theme specific changes simply by moving
or creating the file in subcategories.  I can also use shared blocks of
code with the same flexibility.  And all this without making
configuration changes or using symlinks.  So far, it's working pretty
good.  Here are the (relevant portions) of the config files.

# interchange.cfg
Catalog           store1 /home/interchange/catalogs /cgi-bin/store1
SubCatalog store2 store1 /home/interchange/catalogs /cgi-bin/store2

# catalog.cfg (Config file for store1)
# This is the first catalog or "Parent" catalog configuration file.
# It does not matter which catalog is the parent since they all parse
# the default.cfg file in the same manner.  The only difference is that
# This file must be named catalog.cfg where as the subcatalogs configuration
# files are named after the shop.  Example: shop1.cfg, shop2.cfg etc.
ParseVariables  Yes

# Set some variables that are unique to this catalog only
Variable SERVER_NAME    store1.com
Variable CATALOGNAME    store1

# Database setup
DatabaseAuto dbi:mysql:store1 user pass

# Include the default configuration for all catalogs
include default.cfg

# Include the catalog specific configuration
include etc/__CATALOGNAME__/actionmaps.cfg

# store2.cfg  (Config file for store2)
ParseVariables  Yes

# Set some variables that are unique to this catalog only
Variable SERVER_NAME    store2.com
Variable CATALOGNAME    store2

# Database setup
DatabaseAuto dbi:mysql:store2 user pass

# Include the default configuration for all catalogs
include default.cfg

# Include the catalog specific configuration
include etc/__CATALOGNAME__/actionmaps.cfg

# default.cfg  (Config file for all shared catalogs)
# This is the default configuration file for all shared catalogs.

Message Parsing default.cfg for catalog __CATALOGNAME__ ...

# Parse variables in this configuation file.
ParseVariables  Yes

# Disable this for production
Pragma dynamic_variables

# Turn this on to get debug info
Variable  DEBUG  1

# Override the default data directory (default products)
DataDir data

# Set some variables
Variable CATALOGDIR     /home/interchange/catalogs
Variable CGI_DIR        /home/httpd/vhosts/__SERVER_NAME__/cgi-bin
Variable CGI_URL       
Variable CACHEDIR       /var/cache/interchange/__CATALOGNAME__
Variable DOCROOT        /home/httpd/vhosts/__SERVER_NAME__/httpdocs
Variable ICROOT         /usr/local/interchange
Variable LOGDIR         /var/log/interchange/__CATALOGNAME__
Variable SAMPLEURL       http://__SERVER_NAME__

# Read in shared variables for all catalogs
Database default_variables default_variables.txt TAB
VariableDatabase default_variables

# Read in catalog specific variables, overriding shared if they exist
Database __CATALOGNAME___variables __CATALOGNAME___variables.txt TAB
VariableDatabase __CATALOGNAME___variables

# Read in global templates
DirConfig  Variable  templates

# If we have a theme set (Variable THEME) then adjust the search
# order of PageDir and TemplateDir so that the theme specific
# directories are searched first.
ifdef THEME

Message Configuring catalog __CATALOGNAME__ with theme __THEME__ ...

# Include a theme file for any theme specific configurations
# This is not required, only optional. Theme files are read
# in ascending order (or bottom up) so that theme configuration
# files are read last so they can override other settings.
include        templates/__THEME__/theme.cfg
include        templates/__CATALOGNAME__/__THEME__/theme.cfg

# Pick up an entire directory of variables if defined.
DirConfig      Variable      themes/__THEME__
DirConfig      Variable      themes/__CATALOGNAME__/__THEME__

# Setup the catalog pages directory, this take precedence over TemplateDir.
PageDir        pages/__CATALOGNAME__/__THEME__

# Now we set TemplateDir.  We include the PageDir directory so that files
# relative to the PageDir directory will be found.
TemplateDir    pages/__CATALOGNAME__/__THEME__
TemplateDir    pages/__THEME__
TemplateDir    pages/__CATALOGNAME__

# Now we setup the search order for the blocks directory.
TemplateDir    blocks/__CATALOGNAME__/__THEME__
TemplateDir    blocks/__THEME__

# If used, define search order of tables and directories for page data.
# PageTables  page_data___CATALOGNAME_____THEME__
# PageTables  page_data___CATALOGNAME__

# End of theme configuration

# If no theme is defined then we set the PageDir
ifndef THEME
PageDir        pages/__CATALOGNAME__

# These get set regardelss of theme existence.
TemplateDir    pages/__CATALOGNAME__
TemplateDir    pages
TemplateDir    blocks/__CATALOGNAME__
TemplateDir    blocks
# PageTables  page_data___CATALOGNAME__
# PageTables  page_data

# All done with PageDir, TemplateDir and Themes. 
# Now we setup general conifuration stuff

Message Sending  __CATALOGNAME__ errors to __LOGDIR__/error.log

AutoVariable ImageDir
ImageDir         /images/__CATALOGNAME__/
#ImageDirSecure   /images/__CATALOGNAME__/

ErrorFile        __LOGDIR__/error.log
AsciiTrack       __LOGDIR__/tracking.log
TrackFile        __LOGDIR__/usertrack.log
SessionDatabase  __CACHEDIR__/session
ScratchDir       __CACHEDIR__/tmp
VendURL          http://__SERVER_NAME____CGI_URL__
SecureURL        __SECURE_SERVER____CGI_URL__
RunDir           /var/run/interchange/__CATALOGNAME__

etc, etc etc.......

There is of course a lot more, but this should give a general idea of
the direction.  If anyone spots a "Gotcha" please let me know.  :)

-  - -- ----  ---------------------------- --- -- -   -
Marty Tennison
-  -- --- --------------------------------------- --- --

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