[ic] AlwaysSecure for selected search results

Angus Rogerson arogerso at admmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jun 13 14:34:54 UTC 2008

On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Peter wrote:

> On 06/12/2008 08:21 AM, Angus Rogerson wrote:
>> On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Rick Bragg <lists at gmnet.net> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2008-06-11 at 20:57 -0400, Angus Rogerson wrote:
>>>> AlwaysSecure lets me choose particular pages which must use the SecureURL
>>>> instead of VendURL. However, all searches come up as search.html, so
>>>> AlwaysSecure is all or nothing for search results.
>>>> Is there an equivalent to AlwaysSecure which will let me specify the
>>>> search results for one type of search as secure, and not require the other
>>>> types to be secure.
> [history-scan] uses the [area] tag to compose the URLs so they will
> honor AlwaysSecure for the individual pages.  They will also honor the
> mv_match_security scratch which when set will cause all links to be
> secure if the current page is secure.
> If you want all links to remain secure once a secure page is presented
> in all cases then put this in your catalog.cfg:
> ScratchDefault mv_match_security 1

This sounds good and I will use that in another project on my list. 
However, for this one, I had already started on another solution. I have 
patched history-scan.tag to pass all the options it receives on to tag 
area so now I can do [history-scan ... secure=1].

Thanks for your help.


<               return $Tag->area($default);
>               $opt->{href} = $default;
>               return $Tag->area( $opt );
<               return $Tag->area($default);
>               $opt->{href} = $default;
>               return $Tag->area( $opt );
<       my $string = $Tag->area( {
<                                                               href => 
<                                                               form => 
<                                                               no_session 
=> $opt->{no_session},
<                                                       } );
>       $opt->{href} = $href;
>       $opt->{form} = $form;
>       my $string = $Tag->area( $opt );

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