[ic] timed-build and discount tag

Stefan Hornburg racke at linuxia.de
Tue Jul 7 06:55:09 UTC 2009

Music wrote:
> Hi
> I am using a modified merchandising table to build a list of timed 
> discounted items.
> I then loop through the table and adjust pricing for all discounted items.
> This works great and it allows us to apply discounted items with start and 
> end dates. i.e. Discounted July 4th only.
> However I am trying to set up caching of the discounted items using 
> timed-build so we don't have to loop through and find the discounted items 
> on every page load.
> i.e.
> [comment]apply discounts and cache[/comment]
> [timed-build file=discountcache reparse=1 force=1 minutes="10"]
>         [query arrayref=main
>                    sql="
>                         SELECT sku,timed_promotion,start_date,finish_date
>                         FROM merchandising
>                         WHERE discount = 'discounted'
>                         "][/query]
>         [perl tables="merchandising"]
>                 my @out;
>                 my $ref;
>                 my $db;
>                 delete $Scratch->{promo_codes};
>                 my $date = $Tag->time( { body => '%Y%m%d' } );
>                 $ref = $Tmp->{main} or return;
>                 for(@$ref) {
>                         my $line = $_;
>                         push(@out, $line->[0]), next if ! $line->[1];
>                         next if $line->[2] gt $date;
>                         next if $line->[3] lt $date;
>                         push @out, $line->[0];
>                 }
>                 $Scratch->{promo_codes} = join(' ', @out);
>                 return;
>         [/perl]
> [loop
>         list="[scratch promo_codes]"
>          ]
> [discount [loop-code]] $s - $q * [loop-data merchandising 
> discountminus][/discount]
> [/loop]
> <!--discounts applied [time]%k:%M%p[/time]-->
> [/timed-build]
> With the above code the cached file only includes the "discounts applied 
> time' text (last line) and the list of discounted items appears as blank 
> lines.
> It all works perfectly if I remove the timed-build.
> How do I get IC to write the list of discounted items to the cached file or 
> is there another way of caching a loop of [discount] tags?

That looks like a bug to me. The answer would be to fix this bug :-).


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