[ic] Need help with a perl query

IC ic at tvcables.co.uk
Tue May 26 00:14:50 UTC 2009

Hi folks,

I am trying to use a piece of perl to return a list of order numbers (with
status processing) and skus ordered, I have pasted the code below, it
returns the list of order numbers ok from transactions but it doesn't return
any skus from the orderline table. I also tried replacing my $lookup
variable with a fixed orderline eg "12345-1" but it still didn't work.

[perl orderline transactions]
   my $db = $Db{transactions};
   my $db2 = $Db{orderline};
   my $ary = $db->query('select order_number from
 transactions where status = "processing"');

  my $out = '';
     foreach $row ( @$ary) {
     my ($order_number) = @$row;
     my $lookup = "%" . $order_number . "%";
     my $ary2 = $db2->query('select sku from
     orderline where code like $lookup');
     foreach $row ( @$ary2) {
     my ($sku) .= @$row;
         $out .= "$order_number : $sku<br>\n";
 return $out;

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