[ic] shipping widget and bold text

Marty Tennison marty at dripdepot.com
Fri Oct 30 15:01:51 UTC 2009

IC wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am using:-
> [shipping widget=radio_left extra="onclick='this.form.submit()'"]
> Which works well but I would like the font weight to be bold, is there a way
> to add this, I tried prepend="<b>" append="</b>" but it did nothing.
> If there is no way to add it via the tag where does the actual code for this
> widget reside?
> Thanks,
> Andy
I've not tried it myself but here is a suggestion...

[shipping widget=radio_left extra="onclick='this.form.submit()' style='font-weight: bold;'"]

-  - -- ----  ---------------------------- --- -- -   -
Marty Tennison                     DripDepot.com
web: www.dripdepot.com
-  -- --- --------------------------------------- --- --

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