[ic] Interchange Wikipedia article deleted

Paul Jordan paul at gishnetwork.com
Tue Dec 18 20:32:07 UTC 2012

> On 18/12/12 22:23, Gert van der Spoel wrote:
> > I have no account on Wikipedia, no clue how to communicate this
> > information, so if anybody knows and thinks this offers some ammo into
> > keeping Interchange on Wikipedia, have at it.
> Please make an effort, there needs to be someone other than me
> advocating to keep the interchange page, and preferably a few people.  I
> know there are people here who can help, and I do think it's worth the
> amount of time it takes to figure out how to post in support.

I posted a lengthy retort. However, I am not a Wikipedia user and it was
very confusing, and I am not really sure where the message went on

I think the best arguments are they it is included by default with Cpanel,
which rightly or wrongly is probably the most prevalent admin software in
the world. It's included alongside Apache, Mysql, and Postgres. 

It's also a worthy argument that it is Open Source software that existed
before Wikipedia, which Wikipedia itself owes its existence to not only open
source software, but also open source labor (even though they outright ask
for cash on their website). 

Many more tools (in the physical world) that are included on Wikipedia have
made much less of an impact on society than Interchange, with at least
several running multi million dollar businesses, affecting peoples, their
families, and their users lives daily.


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