[ic] strap: a new template for Interchange

Josh Lavin josh at perusion.com
Wed Oct 23 22:29:28 UTC 2013

At the Ecommerce Innovations conference, I gave a talk about Perusion's
new template for Interchange: "Strap."

The current "Standard" template is quite outdated, with table tags for
layout, inline Javascript, and a non-mobile friendly layout.

We set out to fix this, by basing a new template on the mobile-friendly
Bootstrap Framework, with divs for layout, CSS, etc. It has a lot of new
features, as well.

All the code is GPL'd and available on Github:


The README there has all the details, and I think Racke will have some
slides from my talk up soon.

I don't have a current demo site available, but keep an eye out for

This will hopefully replace the standard IC template one day soon!

Josh Lavin
Perusion -- Expert Interchange Consulting    http://www.perusion.com/
... ask me about job opportunities ...

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